10 Things You Can Do To Improve Organic Website Traffic

Building organic traffic for a website is not easy. It is the most demanding work your website will ever require. It is also the most significant investment of time and effort you can make. Let's have a look at the steps you can take to increase organic traffic.

With the help of Google Ads and Facebook promoted posts, you can immediately get traffic to the website. But it’s not always  maintainable in the long run. You will get traffic only as long as you pay, and once you stop, the content you spent so long creating won't get picked up as easily by search engines.

Organic traffic means the content you put on the website today will bring traffic in the future. That’s why it’s worth the effort. We don’t see that kind of return on investment from paid traffic. If you are ready to increase organic traffic for good, these are the things you need to start doing.

Optimize content for people, not only for search engines

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Identify and fix non-performing content from the website. That means working with those webpages that don't bring any traffic to the website.

Once you have identified non- or under-performing content, go through the following steps:

  1. Refresh on-page SEO of high-quality but low-performing blog posts or webpages. Optimize meta tag SEO, headers, and image ALTs to get found in the SERPs.
  2. Redirect traffic from low-converting pages to relevant but higher-converting ones.
  3. Use canonical redirects on similar pieces of content. Canonical tags will tell search engines which version to prioritize.

Find new keyword opportunities

Even the strongest keyword strategy probably has gaps in it. That’s just natural: new relevant keywords appear all the time, and adding new product features opens up new keyword opportunities.

Missed keyword opportunities can prevent organic traffic growth and give competitors a benefit. Recognizing opportunities and building them into a keyword strategy will help increase both search traffic and brand visibility. 

Blog regularly

Blogging is one of the quickest ways to increase the number of keywords—particularly non-branded keywords your site ranks for. Here are the four steps that can help you with that:

  • Separate your keyword list into two sections: informational and transactional search intent.Blog Illustration with a clock-10 THINGS YOU CAN DO TO IMPROVE ORGANIC WEBSITE TRAFFIC- Flawless Inbound
  • Then categorize them by volume, buyer persona, or even pain point. This guarantees that the content stays user-centric.
  • Check out what matches competitors have for these keywords.
  • Create an editorial calendar based on the keywords you found in the previous steps.

Improve Site Architecture & Get Sitelinks

There's no guarantee or panacea for sitelinks because they are given automatically by search engines based on site architecture.

However, good site architecture can increase the chances of winning sitelinks. Accessible and scalable site architecture is defined by a logical flow of URLs, moving from domain to category to subcategory.

Featured Snippets

These enriched results aim to answer a searcher’s question directly on the SERP page, meaning that they never need to leave Google to find the information they need. 

Smart structure and content are vital to increasing organic traffic with featured snippets. We will also push competitor results down the rankings, gaining brand exposure.

Use long-tail keywords

Long-tail keywords are terms with low search volumes and they tend to be easier to rank for than “main” keywords that appear in searches frequently.Search Engine Illustration- 10 THINGS YOU CAN DO TO IMPROVE ORGANIC WEBSITE TRAFFIC- Flawless Inbound

Whenever a customer uses a highly specific search phrase, they tend to be looking for exactly what they are going to buy. In almost every case, these exact searches are far more likely to convert to sales than generic searches.

Add meta tags

Meta tags are snippets of text that describe a page’s content. It appears only on the page’s source. Meta tags are largely little content descriptors that help tell search engines what a web page is about.

Use interlinking

Internal links are most useful for establishing site architecture and spreading link equity. This is an important factor in search engine optimization. Search engine bots (a.k.a. crawlers) rely on the internal links to find pages on the website.

Interlinking also helps search engines index site content by topic. They look at the anchor text on the links to figure out what pages are about and how they’re related to each other.

Link Building illustration- 10 THINGS YOU CAN DO TO IMPROVE ORGANIC WEBSITE TRAFFIC- Flawless Inbound

Get backlinks

A backlink is a link created when one website links to another. It is also called “inbound link,” “incoming link,” or “one-way link.” Backlinks are essential to SEO because Google and other major search engines believe that backlinks are used to “vote” for a specific page.

Each of these votes lets search engines know that the content is valuable and useful. Thus, the more of those “votes” you have, the higher your website will rank in search engines. 

Use social media

You definitely want to build a strong presence on social media networks like LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and the like. Add share buttons to the website to make it easy for people to share your content. What's more, you always want to write content worthy of sharing. 

There's a lot you can do when it comes to SEO – too much to absorb and digest in one reading. You can make notes to keep all the steps in mind or reach out to us to discuss the details. Looking forward to hearing from you!